Tuesday 27 October 2009

Johnny Mad Dog by Jean Sauvaire

Johnny Mad Dog is a brutal film directed by Jean-Stephane Sauvaire. The film depicts a group of soldiers in their early teens and the lives they lead as a gang of freedom fighters in an unnamed African country, their self-proclaimed mission is to unseat the government.

Their country has been plagued by war for many years to the point there its all the young boys have ever known, Johnny Mad Dog and his small commando robs, pillages, and slays everything in his path. In contrast Laokole, pushing her disabled father around in a rickety wheelbarrow, attempting to invent a glorious future, strives to flee her city occupied by teenage-soldier militias, with her little brother Fofo

The performances are incredible Casting boys who actually been soldiers in their past enhances the loss of innocence amongst the young boys and the dramatic reality of civil war.

Johnny Mad Dog is now showing at Curzon Renoir, Brunswick Square, London wc1.

Not to be missed.

Manifesto: a means of expression.

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